World's Front-line Researcher Specially Appointed Professor Majed Mahmoud Abu-Zreig Arrives at His Post at IPDRE

The International Platform for Dryland Research and Education has appointed Dr. Majed Mahmoud Abu-Zreig, a former Professor (expertize in water and soil engineering) at Jordan University of Science and Technology (“JUST”) and a founder of the International Relations Office of JUST as a Specially Appointed Professor on October 1, 2017.

The appointment ceremony took place on October 2, 2017 followed by the courtesy visit to the President Teshima. At the courtesy visit, Professor Abu-Zreig stated that he has a strong ambition to contribute to enhancement of dryland research and education as well as internationalization of Tottori University with his experience as a former director of International Relations Center of JUST.

Inviting Professor Abu-Zreig was made possible by the National University Corporation function enhancement budget by MEXT. Together with professor Abu-Zreig, IPDRE will work hard to internationalize and enhance the function as an international platform, to contribute to the sustainable development in drylands/developing countries as well as to revitalize Tottori prefecture.
Prof. Abu-Zreig receiving the letter of appointment.

A group photo (From left, Prof. Abu-Zreig, Prof Yamanaka, Trustee Matsumi, President Teshima)
