IPDRE faculty member hosts Super Science High School visit

On December 23, 2020, IPDRE faculty members hosted 11 students from Yonago Higashi High School as a part of Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) project “Super Science High School (SSH).”
Following a tour around the experimental laboratories, students saw a drone flying demonstration. After that, students joined a lecture given by Prof. Kristina Toderich (Specially Appointed Associate Professor, IPDRE) on life in dryland (focusing on Uzbekistan) which was given in English.
Throughout the visit, students were actively engaging themselves asking questions to Prof. Toderich in English etc.!

Super Science High School Project aims at fostering leaders of the 21st century with science literacy through stimulating students’ scientific inquiry by active learning.
Students watching drone flying demonstration

Students listening to Prof. Toderich's lecture
