JICA SATREPS (Banana Panama Disease-related project) Peruvian researchers visited the Arid Land Research Center / IPDRE

On October 17, 2024, five Peruvian researchers who are the research members of the SATREPS project "The Project on Establishment of an Alert System for-Fusarium oxysporum-f. sp.-cubense, the Banana and Plantin Wilt Pathogen, and Mitigation Strategy of the Disease" supported by JICA and JST, visited the Arid Land Research Center (ALRC) / International Platform for Dryland Research and Education (IPDRE). The five researchers are from the National Agrarian University La Molina (UNALM) and the National University of Agriculture Selva (UNAS) which are research institutes in Peru. 

This visit began with a presentation by Prof. Atsushi Tsunekawa, Director of the ALRC and Deputy Director of IPDRE, who provided an overview of the center's activities. This was followed by a discussion with the visiting researchers, focusing on the agricultural and environmental research landscapes in both countries and exchanging insights on challenges and opportunities in dryland research. 

The researchers toured various research facilities and exhibitions within the center. They expressed great interest in the background and design of the Arid Dome, as well as the cultivation status of horticultural crops and the characteristics of soil microorganisms in drylands. Many questions were raised regarding the research activities conducted at the center. 

During the tour of the exhibition facilities, the visiting researchers explored information about deserts and arid regions worldwide. They remarked that the visit provided a valuable opportunity to compare the deserts of Peru with those in other regions, noting differences in vegetation, wildlife, and sand formations. Comments included: "It was an insightful comparison between Peruvian deserts and those in other parts of the world," and "It is fascinating to see the diversity in plants, animals, and sand formations."

The SATREPS project is conducted in partnership with the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), Tottori University, and the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) bringing together educational and research institutions from Japan and Peru. The initiative aims to combat banana wilt disease and contribute to the production of organic bananas in Peru.
For more information about the SATREPS project, please visit the official SATREPS website: https://www.jst.go.jp/global/kadai/r0405_peru.html
