12/7 IPDRE holds a side event at the 16th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

On December 7, 2024, a side event titled "Combating the East Asian Aeolian desertification and sand-dust storm through collaboration between Mongolia, China and Japan" was held as part of the 16th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP16) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD: an international agreement aimed at preventing land degradation) side event. Co-organized by the International Platform for Dryland Research and Education (IPDRE) at Tottori University, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources (NIEER) at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Information and Research Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology, and Environment (IRIMHE) in Mongolia, and 
Institute of Geography and Geoecology (IGG) in Mongolian Academy of Sciences, approximately 50 participants attended and engaged in lively discussions.

(Program Overview)
● Opening Remarks: Prof. Atsushi Tsunekawa (IPDRE, Tottori University)

● Presenters:
Prof. Tao Wang (IPDRE, Tottori University / NIEER, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dr. Batjargal Buyantogtokh (IRIMHE, Mongolia)
Dr. Xian Xue (NIEER, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dr. Mandakh Nyamtseren (IGG, Mongolia)
Dr. Shulin Liu (NIEER, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Dr. Xueyong Zhao (NIEER, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

● Panel Discussion
Chair: Prof. Tao Wang
Panelists: Dr. Xueyong Zhao, Dr. Shulin Liu, Dr. Batjargal Buyantogtokh, Dr. Mandakh Nyamtseren

(Event Highlights)
The event showcased the results of research and measures taken by Mongolia, Japan, and China to address the progression of aeolian desertification and the occurrence of sand-dust storms in East Asia. Discussions focused on academic and technological efforts aimed at preventing and restoring land degradation, with forward-looking exchanges on building interdisciplinary platforms through strengthened international collaboration.

In particular, the panel discussion underscored the importance of enhancing cross-border cooperation and further sharing of expertise, expressing a strong willingness to strengthen collaboration for the next COP. The event also featured the participation of the Director of the International Cooperation Department in the Mongolian Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, representing a significant step toward deeper stakeholder engagement.
