Graduate School of Sustainability Science, Department of Dryland Science 鳥取大学 持続性社会創生科学研究科 国際乾燥地科学専攻

Message from the Head

Department of Dryland Science in Graduate School of Sustainability Science of Tottori University is a new department started from FY 2017, and it is based on the Graduate School of Agriculture, which was established in 1967. Based on the strengths and characteristics of Tottori University with the study of drylands, it aims to train international people who can contribute to solve global problems.

Drylands occupy 41% of the land areas of all over the world and about 35% of the world population lives there. Besides, there are global issues such as desertification and drought in drylands. These are common issues to all human beings, and consequently it is necessary that people all over the world cooperate to solve. There is no dryland in Japan, but Japan is a signatory country to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD),which is the international treaty, and we have been working on problems in drylands as a member of the international community.

In order to solve environmental problems, food problems, etc. arising in drylands, it is required to acquire knowledge and skills on agriculture, environmental conservation etc., as well as to acquire knowledge on diverse cultures and the quality of life of residents. For this purpose, this department has two courses, general program and special program in English. General program is basically a course to learn in Japanese. In the special program in English, all lectures and research guidance etc. are conducted in English, and it is also a course that international students and Japanese can learn together.

In this way, Department of Dryland Science will train human resources who can act to create a sustainable society in harmony with nature from a global perspective. We have been waiting for everyone who is interested in various problems occurring in the world and wishes to contribute themselves for solving these problems.

The Head of Department of Dryland Science
Koji Inosako



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