ヌグセ・ハラガウェイン・アイェフ, PhD
■ 経歴2020年4月 - 現在鳥取大学2010年4月 - 2020年3月Tottori Univeristy, Japan, Associate Professor2001年8月 - 2010年3月Mekelle University, Ethiopia, Lecturer/Assistant Professor2001年5月 - 2001年7月Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute, Ethiopia, Researcher1995年12月 - 2001年4月Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Rehabilitation for Amhara Region, Ethiopia, Irrigation Design Engineer■ 学歴2002年9月 - 2006年6月Catholic University of Leuven, Geogrpahy-Geology, P.hD. Geogrpahy1998年10月 - 2000年7月Alemaya University (renamed: Haramaya University)/ Ethiopia, Agricultural Engineering, M.Sc. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering1991年9月 - 1995年7月Addis Ababa Uiniverity, Ethiopia, B.Sc. Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization, Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization■ 委員歴2014年9月 - 2015年9月TropiLakes2015 Conference: Tropical Lakes in a Changing Environment, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, Scientific Committee member2013年5月 - 2014年5月EGU General Assembly 2014: GM4.5/SSS9.19 Global change and geomorphic processes in the Horn of Africa, Vienna Austria, Co-Convener2010年2月 - 2011年2月International Congress: Water- Integrated water resources management in tropical and subtropical drylands, Mekelle, Ethiopia, Scientific Committee member2009年3月 - 2010年3月International Symposium on Human Impact on Gully Erosion, Lublin, Poland, Scientific Committee member2005年9月 - 2006年9月International Conference: Environmental change, geomorphic processes and land degradation in tropical highlands, Scientific Committee member
■ 論文Haregeweyn, N., Tsunekawa, A., Poesen, J., Tsubo, M., Meshesha, D. T., Fenta, A. A., Nyssen, J. and Adgo, E., 2017. Comprehensive assessment of soil erosion risk for better land use planning in river basins: Case study of the Upper Blue Nile River. The Science of the Total Environment 574: 95-108Meshesha, D. T., Tsunekawa, A. and Haregeweyn, N., 2016. Determination of soil erodibility using fluid energy method and measurement of the eroded mass. Geoderma 284: 13-21Fenta, A A., Yasuda, H., Shimizu, K., Haregeweyn, N. and Negussie, A.,2016. Dynamics of Soil Erosion as Influenced by Watershed Management Practices: A Case Study of the Agula Watershed in the Semi-Arid Highlands of Northern Ethiopia. Environmental Management 58: 889-905Nigussie, Z., Tsunekawa, A., Haregeweyn, N., Adgo, E., Nohmi, M., Tsubo, M., Aklog, D., Meshesha, D. T. and Abel, S., 2016. Factors affecting small-scale farmers’ land allocation and tree density decisions in an Acacia decurrens-based taungya System in Fagita Lekoma district, north-western Ethiopia. Small-scale Forestry DOI 10.1007/s11842-016-9352-zHaregeweyn, N., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Meshesha, D., Adgo, E., Poesen, J. and Schütt, B., 2016. Analyzing the hydrologic effects of region-wide land and water development interventions: a case study of the Upper Blue Nile basin. Regional Environmental Change 16: 951-966Vanmaercke, M., Poesen, J., Van Mele, B., Demuzere, M., Bruynseels, A., Golosov, V., Rodrigues Bezerra, J. F., Bolysov, S., Dvinskih, A., Frankl, A., Fuseina, Y., Guerra, A. J. T., Haregeweyn, N., Ionita, I., Makanzu Imwangana, F., Moeyersons, J., Moshe, I., Nazari Samani, A., Niascu, .L, Nyssen, J., Otsuki ,Y., Radoane, M., Rysin, I., Ryzhov, Y. V. and Yermolaev, O., 2016. How fast do gully headcuts retreat?Earth-Science Reviews 154: 336-355Meshesha, D.T., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Haregeweyn, N., Tegegne, F., 2016. Evaluation of kinetic energy and erosivity potential of simulated rainfall using Laser Precipitation Monitor. Catena 137: 237–243Haregeweyn, N., Tsunekawa, A., Nyssen, J., Poesen, J., Tsubo, M., Meshesha, D., Adgo, E., Schütt, B., Tegegne, F. 2015. Soil erosion and conservation in Ethiopia: A review. Progress in Physical Geography, 39: 750-774Haregeweyn, N; Tsunekawa, A; Tsubo, M; Meshesha, D; Adgo, E; Poesen, E; Schuett, B. 2015. Analyzing the hydrologic effects of region-wide land and water development interventions: a case study of the Upper Blue Nile basin. Regional Environmental Change, in press. DOI 10.1007/s10113-015-0813-2Taye, G., Poesen, J., Vanmaercke, M., van Wesemael , B., Teka, D., Martens, L., Nyssen, J., Deckers, J., Vanacker, V., Haregeweyn, N., Hallet, V. , 2015. Evolution of the effectiveness of stone bunds and trenches in reducing runoff and soil loss in the semi-arid Ethiopian highlands. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 59 (4): 477-493.Haregeweyn, N., Tesfaye, S., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Meshesha, D. , Adgo, E., Elias, A., 2015. Dynamics of land use and land cover and its effects on hydrologic responses: case study of Gilgel Tekeze catchment in the highlands of northern Ethiopia. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, DOI: 10.1007/s10661-014-4090-1Meshesha, D., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Haregeweyn, N., Adgo, E. ,2014. Drop size distribution and kinetic energy load of rainfall events in the Highlands of the Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (12): 2203-2215Meshesha, D., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Haregeweyn, N., Adgo, E., 2014. Evaluating Spatial and Temporal Variations of Rainfall Erosivity, Case of CRV of Ethiopia. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. In press, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-014-1130-2Meshesha, D., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Haregeweyn, N., Syed, A., 2014. Land-use change and its socio-environmental impact in Eastern Hararghe Highland, Eastern Ethiopia. Regional Environmental Change, 14: 757-768Taye, G., Poesen, J., Van Wesemael, B., Goosse, T., Teka, D., Deckers, J. , Hallet, V., Haregeweyn, N., Nyssen, J., Maetens, W., 2013. Effects of land use, slope gradient and soil and water conservation techniques, on runoff and soil loss in a semi-arid Northern Ethiopia. Physical Geography, 34(3): 236-259.Teka, D., van Wesemael, B., Vanacker, V., Poesen, J., Hallet, V., Taye, G., Deckers, J., Haregeweyn, N., 2013. Evaluating the performance of reservoirs in semi-arid catchments of Tigray: Tradeoff between water harvesting and soil and water conservation. Catena, 110:146-154Haregeweyn, N., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Meshesha D.T., Melkie, A., 2013. Analysis of the invasion rate, impacts and control measures of Prosopis juliflora: a case study of Amibara District, East Ethiopia. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185: 7527-7542.Zenebe, A., Vanmaercke, M., Poesen, J., Verstraeten, G., Haregeweyn, N., Haile, M., Amare, K., Deckers, J., Nyssen, J., 2013. Spatial and temporal variability of river flows in the degraded semi-arid tropical mountains of northern Ethiopia. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 57 (2): 143–169Haregeweyn, N., Poesen, J., Govers, G., Verstraeten, G., de Vente, J. Nyssen, J., Deckers, S., Moeyersons, J., 2013. Evaluation and adaptation of a spatially-distributed erosion and sediment yield model in Northern Ethiopia. Land Degradation & Development, 24: 188- 204Temesgen, H., Nyssen, J., Zenebe, A., Haregeweyn, N., Kindu, M., Lemenih, M., Haile, M., 2013. Ecological succession and land use changes in a lake retreat area (Main Ethiopian Rift Valley). Journal of Arid Environments, 91:53-60.Haregeweyn, N., Melesse, B., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Meshesha, D., Balana B.B., 2012. Reservoir sedimentation and its mitigating strategies: a case study of Angereb reservoir (NW Ethiopia). Journal of Soils and Sediment, 12: 291-305.Balana, B.B., Muys, B., Haregeweyn, N., Descheemaeker, K., Deckers, J., Poesen, J., Nyssen, J., Mathijs, E., 2012. Cost-benefit analysis of soil and water conservation measure: The case of exclosures in northern Ethiopia. Forest Policy and Economics, 15: 27-36Meshesha, D.T., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Haregeweyn, N., 2012. Analysis of the dynamics and hotspots of soil erosion and its management scenarios: the case of the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. International Journal of Sediment Research, 27: 84-99.Haregeweyn, N., Fikadu, G., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Meshesha, D.T., 2012. The dynamics of urban expansion and its impacts on land use/land cover change and small-scale farmers living near the urban fringe: a case study of Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. Landscape and Urban Planning, 106:149-157Haregeweyn, N., Berhe, A., Tsunekawa, A., Tsubo, M., Meshesha, D.T., 2012. Integrated watershed management, an effective approach to curb land degradation: a case study of the Enabered watershed, northern Ethiopia. Journal of Environmental Management, 50: 1219-1233.■ 書籍等出版物Haregeweyn, N.,Tsunekawa, A.,Tsubo, M., Meshesha D., Adgo, E., 2013. Sedimentation and its mitigation strategies: a case study of the Ethiopian highlands. In: Fukuoka, S., Nakagawa, H., Sumi, T., Zhang, T. (eds.) Advances in Sediment Research. Book of Abstracts. In Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-00062-9.Nyssen, J., Poesen, J., Lanckriet, S., Jacob, M., Moeyersons, J., Haile, M., Haregeweyn, N., Munro, N.M., Descheemaeker, K., Adgo, E., Frankl, A., Deckers, J., 2015. Land Degradation in the Ethiopian Highlands.In: Billi, P. (ed.), Landscapes and Landforms of Ethiopia, World Geomorphological Landscapes, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8026-1_21, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015Haregeweyn, N., Poesen, J. Tsunekawa, A. Tsubo, M., Vanmaercke, M., Zenebe, A., Nyssen, J., Meshesha, D., Adgo, E., 2015 Sediment yield variability at various catchment scales and its impact on reservoirs in the Ethiopian highlands.In: Billi, P. (ed.), Landscapes and Landforms of Ethiopia, World Geomorphological Landscapes, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8026-1_21, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015